online poker

Sunday 11 July 2010

2 Folds

So many years have gone by, so many I have spent loving what I am doing. Poker used to be a minor part in my life. I never played big stakes, big names or big locations. I ground my way up from the smallest games on Stars to the NL200 within about 200.000 hands. I always was a live player. I always was a person that found fold equity in good spots and had enough balls to use and the either way around I always made people think they had fold equity when they didn't.

A high variance game was always how I approached every hand. I always thought about "how can I win this pot". I was shown full houses when I called with A-high in polarized situations and showed bottom pairs ftw in spots when my opponent missed. I earned "wow"s for sick winning calls and "donkey" for sick losing calls.

I always loved this game. I always played it fearless. My nickname became "4-bet-light" locally.

I always loved this game.

I ran into a series of bad play, incidents and run-bad, but dominantly bad play. I have lost the spirit for the game that I had a 3 months ago.

When I was staked I had the aim to make my profit for me and the staker. I knew what I was doing at the table. Since paying off my staking deal, I wasn't working towards anything anymore.

Since that I am forgetting to look at my opponents stack sizes, giving myself fold equity where I have basically non and am unable to set myself a stop loss limit.

Currently I am one of the biggest fish in the game because I am doing almost everything wrong. I am moving in against pot committed people, Fold against the "any2"s, etc. Looking at my results since the staking and now after the staking makes me sad. As long as I was not playing my money and was willing to proof that I am a good investment, I was playing some incredibly great poker. Playing with my own money I am a spew-monkey-level-donk-idiot-gay-fuckhole-tart.

I have no idea how to turn things around. I have no idea which rules I can set myself?

There's a weird character in me. Way too much emotionality mixed with some skills that are essential for that game.

Why am I writing this whiny bullshit? You guessed it. I again almost broke. What's even worse: I managed to outplay a table full of regs tonight. Getting folds PF from QQ. Making a straight fold, etc.. All of this to lose my 600 GBP profit against the same player who I know that he always owns me and always makes me what he wants me to do.

I think I have to change something. I don't know what. I used to be the biggest winner in my regular game by far. By miles. Now, I am just donating.

What do I want to do with Poker? I breath this game. I spend about 80 hours a week with the game. I just don't want to be miserable anymore! I am not at all depending on the money.

You guessed it, I am almost broke again. Approx. 500 left (from 7.6k atone point). I paid back my staking deal and I am proud of that.

I can only wish you some proper good luck/lick. I may be off this surface. There is a fair chance that this may be my last blog post.

I love my girlfriend. To the end. It was a good trip going with you guys.

Live is fun is not Poker.

Hannes "4-bet-light" Hanusch


Michael T. said...

Hey sweetcheeks,

sounds serious man! ...despite uploading at 4am could indicate emotion-boosting alcohol level ;)

Hope you're ok. Don't you give up just yet! I know the reason why you play is not just the money... Maybe players got wise on you or your spider senses stoped tinkling ;) but it might be a good idea to change location when playing, if that's possible, just so that you can be playing others; or change type (online, stakes, whatever)

Or just go on poker-leave and come back in 3 months?!

Whatever you do, if I (we) can help, let me know. Maybe you just have to get off this peninsula for a while and all'd be better?!

But you're quite right, if you can't set yourself rules, you won't be able to enjoy this cause you 'don't mind' losing the cash.

Man, let me know if I can be of any help, and I'll be happy to be :D

All the best, hope to see you soon.

Truthans said...

Well, it was a lot of whiny drunk talk. It's not all that bad. I guess you gotta be prepared for a "I am almost broke" post every two weeks now I guess. :-)

I still love life. Problem is that Poker is something in the moment that does not contribute to my feeling of enjoying life. The opposite is more the case.

If I am broke soon, I am not going to invest any more money. At least not if I am unsure it makes sense. I am a net winner although I have no idea where the money is gone, just currently my focus has gone.

Michael T. said...

All prepared for it :)

Just wanted you to know that I'm here, if needed ;) Yes, here is pretty a 2days trip away, but hey.

You'll find your way, I'm sure. Take it easy and you'll be fine. Now I gotta watch it that I don't start the drunk talk, so I'd rather finish it off quickly:

I love you, man.
Take good care!

mulhuzz said...


this is such a tough spot to be in, but the reality is, if you're not enjoying it, and not playing well, then just stop for a while and reflect on why that's the case. I don't have any answers for you, I'm afraid, but I do know that one of two things will happen if you take a break:

1. You'll come back refreshed and loving it and crush it again.

2. You'll stop playing seriously and maybe won't play again, but will love life more for it.

See? It's win-win. Massively +EV play to take a break. Playing on until you're busto will crush you. Don't let it.

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