online poker

Saturday 18 September 2010

Poker, Dolphins, Miss World and National Day

First to the pokers. After my return I got active in the tournaments and cash games here again. In the tournaments I have been doing quite well, taking two down and cashing in another two of about 7 tournaments I played so far. Unfortunately I had swapped quite a bit of my action in order to reduce variance but so far none of the people I had action of made me any return, so I haven't made as much cash from the tourneys as I should have.

In the cash games I am currently having mixed results. Trying to tighten up my game a bit and avoid spew, which is going ok, but I can't get a lot going recently. I am about break even for cash games since my return which is a little disappointing but I think that's just a phase that I am currently going through as I don't seem to do a lot of mistakes currently. I started counting/guessing how long I haven't flopped a set anymore and the counter must be between 26 - 30 pairs now. So I am guessing that I should be flopping sets all over the shop anytime now. Please.

Next week there is the Gibraltar Poker Masters again. This time it's a 300 GBP - 10.000 GBP guaranteed event with two starting days. 20k starting chips, 30 minute clock and expected to be ridic soft like almost all tourney in this area here. I am obviously not rolled for 300 GBP tourney again yet so I am willing to sell 50% of my action at face value. You can get 10% of the winnings for already 30 GBP. First price is expected to be around the 6k - 8k mark with the numbers they are expecting. Let me know if you are interested.

Next topic from the headline is the cool dolphin tour that I finally managed to do with my wife and wanted to show you a few pictures. So if ever anyone of you guys comes and visits me, we definitely have to go for that tour.

Next thing from the last weeks was that I was out for a few beers with friends and colleagues and we ended up on the casino balcony and to our surprise Kaiane Aldorino - Miss World 2009 was also there. So I got a picture:

Furthermore there was Gibraltar National Day last week which is pretty much the biggest day of the year for a Gibraltarian. Everyone is on their feet drinking and dancing from the early morn to late a night. I had my first Sambucca at about 11:30 and was pretty damn shitfaced shortly after. Was a very good day out I have to admit.

Good old friend from Durham is coming over next week for an interview at I hope he can bink the job. Anyway, I am looking forward to a few beers and some poker with an old pal.


Thursday 9 September 2010

Just married... (Part 1)

It's about time to get back in the swing of blogging now. I was quite busy catching up with things here in Gibraltar in the first 2 weeks after the holiday. Yes, I am a married man now and although this must be one the most shocking news for all women out there: I am off the market. Sorry ladies.

The 2 weeks in Germany were amazing and I am going to try and give you a few details of our great experience. After landing safely in Germany on Friday 13th and then spending the weekend meeting old friends we had to start for the eve-of-the-wedding party which was scheduled for Wednesday 18.08. in my little home village.

The rain falls in Germany had basically forced us to find an alternative to our idea of putting 4 big beer tents on the field next to our house. So we had to move somewhere with solid underground. Fortunately we were able to go into the community building of our villages "Schützenverein" which was just great. I had hired a DJ, bought alcohol, bought Bratwurst and steak and our families prepared a mountain of salads.

It is a German tradition to throw old porcelain in front of the door of the future couple and for the guests that normally means a lot of fun as they know that the couple have to clean up the mess the next day. Another thing they love is to throw shitloads of metal crown caps as they are really nasty to get rid of as soon as a few people stepped on them. The cleaning the next day took ages and produced 600kg of rubbish.

The party in the evening had about 150 guests and many old friends were seen. I had bought 400 bottles of beer (0.5l). Those were gone by midnight and I had to rely on my friendly neighbor who luckily had another 100 bottles which turned out to be enough fortunately.

A lot of drinking, chatting, embarrassing games, dancing and displays of the carnival group of my mother in law were involved in the party. I very much appreciated that there were no fights or any other unpleasant surprises. Except maybe this guy falling over the massive bbq grill at 4 am.

for now I am not gonna write much more about the party but give you some pictures. Next blog entry will be more general stuff and poker stuff and then I continue with the details of my wedding, whether you like it or not. :)

It's Gibraltar national day tomorrow so I better get my red and white clothes ready. I don't want to stick out in the masses.

Thursday 5 August 2010

Freerolling had a great promotion this week where you had to deposit at least 20 Euros on 24h Poker and rake 10 Euros to qualify for a €10.000 guaranteed tournament. The freeroll was only announced 2 days ago and the qualification period is already over. Fortunately I managed to qualify in time and will now be playing the €10.000 freeroll on Sunday with an expected starter field of less than 200 people!

That's some good value I would say. Hopefully I can ship something for a change.

Other than that the wedding is coming dangerously close and a typical "I think I forgot something" feeling is slowly arising. As my girlfriend and our families have put a lot of effort in the organisation I guess that everything will turn out to run nice and smooth.

Gala Casino Gibraltar have started offering PLO 100 games on Monday nights which sounds like fun. I guess I am going to check them out once I am back from Germany.

Talking about Germany, our flights are actually leaving on Friday 13th next so please cross your fingers that we will touch ground safely. :-/

Alrighty then.


Saturday 24 July 2010


Oh well what can I say. Busto. 124 players turned up and it looked to become an exciting tournament with a confirmed 1st price of 22.500 Euros. I stayed tight and patient for the first few levels and kept myself between 10 - 11k not really getting any hands except aces once. Until the fourth level I had not played a turn card yet.

It then went all pretty quickly first opening JJ in late MP getting 5 callers and a KQ9 board. Lots of action and I fold. I then lose 55 against AT on J7J, 3, A board when I called the c-bet of the guy and we checked the rest down.

Then comes the key hand. I complete the sb with KQcc with 2 limpers in the pot. On a JcTx8c flop I check raise all in to an overbet of one of the limpers. He doesn't think very long and pretty much snaps me with J7 without clubs. I got almost 70% against his hand but I manage to miss my gazillion outs and am pretty crippled from here on. Last chips go in in a BvB when I flop second pair + OESD and BD Flush draw, get snapped by TPNK again and miss again.

It was a good experience anyway and the tourney is very good value and seems to be full of beginners overplaying their hands. Hilarious stuff could be seen. A lady to my left limped UTG then called a button raise of a friend of mine. On a 855 board she check-calls a potsize bet. On the 9 turn she check calls the all-in of my colleague. She shows AT with no draws and the 77 of her opponent hold also on the river. That was a bit of a wow moment for me.

Even better than the tourney, the cash game seemed to be. I had some time watching the NL1k Euro game and it was truly outrageous. Average age at the table was definitely something between 50 - 60 years. There was a lady that would make up for a good betting game "Which parts of her body are still original". Most funny were her lips that just looked like car tyres and screamed "too much botox". Needless to say that she was wearing lots of expensive looking bling bling.

Other funny thing were 3 men that looked exactly the same, probably the perfect example for the Marbella mid-life-crisis rich boy. All 3 with grey, longish hair that was geled to the back with a cute little quiff at the end. All 3 wore pink shirts, with the sleeves pulled back a bit and wearing a huge watch on the arm. For me that was pure comedy. Only shame about the cash games there seems to be that rarely anybody buys in deep. 3 tables of NL1k and 1 table NL500 was running.

I took some 200 euros and short stacked the NL500 euro game for a while but was card dead and only shoved a random ace once, so basically blinded away some euros. The game was definitely softer than the typical game in Gibraltar.

So all in all I am disappointed with the results of this Friday as I was determined to achieve a good result. On the other side I have confirmation that the games here probably belong to the softest games you currently maybe able to find in Europe. So I'll definitely be back in September for the next Marbella Classic.

I think that was my last bit of Poker until the end of August but I will come back strong and fresh in September and will start grinding it out again.


Friday 23 July 2010

Getting ready + Hartmut

I am getting picked up for the 700 Euro tourney in Marbella in one hour and am pretty excited. I guess this eagerness for an upcoming tourney will often result in even bigger disappointment but I just hope that my run good batteries are fully loaded. I just need to remind myself of a few things:

- don't get fancy play syndrome
- 95% of players in the field do not have the capability to do sophisticated bluffs
- When the fish overbets/shoves it's never a bluff
- Limp calling AJ+ is a standard play in a casino
- Some ranges can be wider than you think
- Stop fucking spewing
- No point in hero-calling retards
- Be aware of my opponents stack size

Ok, let's see how the supposed to be full-of-maniacs-tourney goes. One time!

Other than that I was on the Feria (fun fair) in Spain yesterday with a group of friends which was a very good laugh. Some of the games actually seemed to be +EV. ;-) I really liked the rifle shooting for shots. Whenever you hit the aim you got a shot and we had a very good sniperish guy in our group who actually managed to hit something around the 95% of all shots.

But the coolest thing was that I won a goldfish. Today the girlfriend bought one of those bowls and stones and a plant and now our new pet is making us feel like parents.

May I introduce you to our new family member, Hartmut:

Thursday 22 July 2010

A different rythm

So I haven't played Poker for a while now and instead I found the motivation to do some sports again. So I joined the gym around the corner and started to work out. Currently I seem to be going to the gym 5 times a week and am finally motivated enough again to watch my eating habits a bit more.

So I guess there is a fair chance that with an ongoing strong will I should be able to lose weight again before I get married.

Other than that I feel more awake currently since not playing Poker currently which is quite logical as I am not playing to 4 am three times a week when I got work the next day. I am currently thinking that I may return to regular playing on the felt after my wedding in August.

Until then I will only try to play some special events if they occur, like this weekend in Marbella. I have been lucky enough to find two backers that are willing to stake me for the 700 Euro tourney and I hope I can pay back the trust with a good result.

Other than that Gibraltar had a somewhat funny incident that happened two day ago. Some idiot thought it was a good idea to walk unmasked into a Swarovski store on the main street with a handgun and ask for money. He actually took three hostages as well. You can image how big of a event that actually was in a small place like Gib.

What did the guy think? That he then would just cross the boarder with his bag full of not too valuable glass crystals and maybe 2k in cash? Trying such a robbery on the main street at lunch time in a tourist place like Gib? Unmasked? I thought seriously wtf?

But this morning the Gibraltar chronicle told us the story behind this mastermind of armed robbery. Here a little excerpt:

The gunman who tried to rob a Main Street jeweller's on Tuesday made a shocking statement in court yesterday: he claimed spies had implanted a microchip inside his head.

Speaking through an interpreter, Alejandro Rodrigo Parres Navarro told the judge that he was in the seventh year of a program run by an unnamed "intelligence service" and that staging the robbery was his only way out.

"My only solution was to provoke an incident, or suicide," he told the court, having first requested permission to speak. "I'm going through a very bad time."

Parres was arrested after a major armed police operation on Tuesday, during which Casemates and the northern end of Main Street were sealed off.

Beautiful, isn't it? That, of course, explains everything.

Thursday 15 July 2010


A bit gay to do another staking request here but rumor has it that there is a pretty cool event coming around.


I am talking about 350 + 350 Euro event on 23/24 July (next weekend) in the Casino Marbella. The reason for this tournament being more juicy then others is obv. the time of the year. Marbella is a Holiday place and known to be the place for the wealthy people at the Costa del Sol. I have talked to some Marbella regulars and they said it is going to be pretty good value. First prize is expected to be between the 12.000 - 20.000 Euro mark.

I am obviously not rolled for the event and am checking my options for staking again. Even if I bust the tourney there is probably one of the juiciest 2/5 games going you could possibly find.

As this is only a two day event and no long-term staking I would offer to give 70% of all profits back + of course the original staking amount in case of a cash.

I could actually imagine that it might make sense to combine it with a short term cash game staking in case I bust the event. So I guess there are several deals possible:

- 700 Euro staking for just the tournament (30% of profits less buy ins for me, rest for you)
- 1500 Euro for Tournament + Cash game 2/5 (70% you, 30% for me)

- 2500 Euro for Tournament + Cash game 5/10 (70% you, 30% for me)

I guess James Keys, who staked me before is happy to vouch for my integrity.

If you can afford it, it's pretty good value imo. Let me know in the comments if you are interested or drop me an e-mail: hefeklosag(at)
I am flexible on the deal making btw, so whatever your idea is, just get in touch.

Day of payback would be 26.07.2010


Tuesday 13 July 2010

The way forward

First of all I am sorry about the embarrassing drunk post from a few nights ago. A lot of emotional shit in there that surely does not belong in this normally up-beat blog. On the other hand I didn't feel like deleting it either when I read it again the next day. Hopefully a lesson not to post whiny bullshit when coming home drunk at 4 am.

Secondly, thanks for your comments guys. I appreciate your empathy.

But in the end it's not all that bad. I had a bit of a psychological problem. A couple of weeks ago my net winnings reached the $10.000 mark for the first time. Furthermore together with the staking money I suddenly had about $10.000 lying at my place too.

I started feeling a bit invincible and the bad things got worse and chain of unlucky occurrences hit me. I wasn't really prepared for it and couldn't cope with it. My offline bankroll is below the $1000 mark now, so I guess seeing more than $9000 disappear was quite painful. But I need to realise that I am not a professional. I don't rely on this money and to be honest I didn't even invest my own to get this money. Means there is no reason to be dragged down but some standard shit.

True is that Poker was not much fun for me lately and I actually forced myself to go and play as if I would need to in order to survive. This is of course bullshit.

I am going to take a break for a few weeks from Poker. It may most likely be 2 or 3 weeks but maybe it's going to be more. we'll see. I just want to refresh my batteries. Just as you said Marc, it's definitely going to help me.

I guess my girlfriend is going to like the next few weeks. Tonight, instead of going to the Casino I'll go down to the pool with her and drink a few beers. I may play the odd tournament once a week or so but I am not sure.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is, that all is good and I am feeling great. I come back to Poker in a few weeks.

I guess I will still be blogging regularly even without the Poker but probably about different life things.

Enjoy your summer folks, it's freaking beautiful outside I just realised.


Sunday 11 July 2010

2 Folds

So many years have gone by, so many I have spent loving what I am doing. Poker used to be a minor part in my life. I never played big stakes, big names or big locations. I ground my way up from the smallest games on Stars to the NL200 within about 200.000 hands. I always was a live player. I always was a person that found fold equity in good spots and had enough balls to use and the either way around I always made people think they had fold equity when they didn't.

A high variance game was always how I approached every hand. I always thought about "how can I win this pot". I was shown full houses when I called with A-high in polarized situations and showed bottom pairs ftw in spots when my opponent missed. I earned "wow"s for sick winning calls and "donkey" for sick losing calls.

I always loved this game. I always played it fearless. My nickname became "4-bet-light" locally.

I always loved this game.

I ran into a series of bad play, incidents and run-bad, but dominantly bad play. I have lost the spirit for the game that I had a 3 months ago.

When I was staked I had the aim to make my profit for me and the staker. I knew what I was doing at the table. Since paying off my staking deal, I wasn't working towards anything anymore.

Since that I am forgetting to look at my opponents stack sizes, giving myself fold equity where I have basically non and am unable to set myself a stop loss limit.

Currently I am one of the biggest fish in the game because I am doing almost everything wrong. I am moving in against pot committed people, Fold against the "any2"s, etc. Looking at my results since the staking and now after the staking makes me sad. As long as I was not playing my money and was willing to proof that I am a good investment, I was playing some incredibly great poker. Playing with my own money I am a spew-monkey-level-donk-idiot-gay-fuckhole-tart.

I have no idea how to turn things around. I have no idea which rules I can set myself?

There's a weird character in me. Way too much emotionality mixed with some skills that are essential for that game.

Why am I writing this whiny bullshit? You guessed it. I again almost broke. What's even worse: I managed to outplay a table full of regs tonight. Getting folds PF from QQ. Making a straight fold, etc.. All of this to lose my 600 GBP profit against the same player who I know that he always owns me and always makes me what he wants me to do.

I think I have to change something. I don't know what. I used to be the biggest winner in my regular game by far. By miles. Now, I am just donating.

What do I want to do with Poker? I breath this game. I spend about 80 hours a week with the game. I just don't want to be miserable anymore! I am not at all depending on the money.

You guessed it, I am almost broke again. Approx. 500 left (from 7.6k atone point). I paid back my staking deal and I am proud of that.

I can only wish you some proper good luck/lick. I may be off this surface. There is a fair chance that this may be my last blog post.

I love my girlfriend. To the end. It was a good trip going with you guys.

Live is fun is not Poker.

Hannes "4-bet-light" Hanusch

Friday 9 July 2010


I read the following on facebook and had to laugh pretty hard:

Breaking News in the hunt for gunman Raoul Moat in the North East: After 6 days of a stop and search police in the Newcastle area targetting those of a solid build, with many tattoos and missing teeth, the police have admitted it has been failure and will in future narrow it down to just men.

Had a monkey-tilt poker session in the Casino on the night when Germany lost. Needless to say I lost 430 GBP that night. I stormed out of the Casino when I got it in on a 775 Board with J7 vs. 97 and the river is a bloody nine 9 for a 300 GBP pot. Well actually it was the hand after when I stormed out the casino when in a BvB I limp raise QJs all-in with my last 50 bbs and flip against 99. I could not hit anything after a ATx flop.

I have serious tilt problems currently. To help coping with that I started playing Stud-Hi online. No idea if that helps but the spew doesn't tilt me as hard.

A very good friend and colleague is leaving Gibraltar next Wednesday and we are having a private cash table in the casino tomorrow with no rake taken. He pays 150 for the rent of the table and we get a dealer. This is going to be 10 regs that are battling it out. I am expecting some serious deepness and some sick pots. No shorties at the table.

Little side info, for those of you that haven't seen it yet, is now on 2+2.

I made a video blog last friday when I was drunk. Unfortunately it's 300 mb and I failed to get it up here as there is a 100 mb restriction.

Going for a meal with the missus now and for a little party later. Have a long, long workshop to go to tomorrow and also some work on Sunday.

Have a great Weekend


Friday 2 July 2010


I guess it's time to update a bit about my poker exploits. Since almost going broke I managed to dodge the worst and had a slight recovery. I booked some good winning sessions and on Tuesday I won the Casino's 20 GBP + 5 GBP Bounty Freezeout with 40 runners for a nice 340 + 40 in bounties.

The investigation on the money that disappeared from my flat is still running. I do not expect any results.

I had a losing session in the cash games yesterday but still feel confident over all that I manage a full recovery. I have also a couple of bets on the quarter finals going and hope they are coming in.

Before we are getting smashed by Argentina tomorrow I would like to rub it in one more time (I am the guy with the Germany hat):

Have a good weekend

Monday 28 June 2010


Booom! Bosh! Bang! In your face!!!

What an incredibly exciting match that was. Another one that will go into the history books. Such a joy to see how completely and utterly we outclassed this extremely lame English squad. Any English person trying to rectify their horrible performance by hiding behind the, admittedly bad, referee decision, is just lying to himself.

A little bit more clever in front of the goal and England should have been trailing by 4 goals already at that time.

I watched the game in a sports bar in Gibraltar. Approx. 200 people there of which 30 where our German group. Needless to say that we were the only 30 in the pub that had an enjoyable Sunday afternoon. :-) We were very loud and it was a pleasure to rub salt into the wounds.

Btw, the ball clearly wasn't in:

Until the quarter final I will enjoy this victory every day very excessively. I am currently wearing my German shirt at work so I can rub it in without saying something. Gonna do an expanded office walk today I guess and visit every desk that has an English person sitting behind.

I don't even care if we bust 5-0 against Argentina in the quarters. Yesterday's victory was all I could have asked for. For me the World Cup is a massive success already regardless from the results to come.

Good Bye (England)


Thursday 24 June 2010

Germany vs. England

Although we struggled a bit to beat Ghana we fortunately managed to win our group with 6 points. The constellation has it that Germany will face England in the k.o. stage of the last 16.

Of course Germany vs. England are matches with a big history that created a lot of tales that are still being told by those that witnessed. I know that Germany is probably the team that injects any England player the most motivation possible but I also know that there are possibilities of some England players shitting their pants already with the prospect of busting out a World Cup yet again against the German Tanks.

The German team has a lot less of this "tank" cliche nowadays than in the 90's and I think we actually have some pretty fine football players in our squad, which means that I don't think it's going to be as much of a fight as 1990 for example. But maybe I am wrong.

For me this match is very special as of course, first of all I am a proud German and a huge football fan but secondly because I lived in England for a while and have a slightly emotional connection to the country and the people. I am so excited about this match already it's unreal. I am so glad that it will likely go over 120 minutes because I really want to suck in every minute of the upcoming penalty defeat that Germany will put on England. :-)

I guess if Germany wins I need a day of on the Monday after.

Bring it on!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Maybe today?

After Moritz "Trader" Schmejkal was unable to beat his opponent and came 2nd in the HU Championship event, has another hope at the tables:

Team Pro Konstantin "BongBob" Bücherl made the Final Table of the $10k PLH Championship Event. With 7 players left he is currently the chip leader.

GL, GL, GL to him!

Monday 21 June 2010

Good Luck

Good luck to Moritz "Trader" Schmejkal a Online High Stakes SNG player and member who made the final of the $10k HU Championship. Ship it Moritz!

Btw, I am not broke yet but it's getting very tight now. Will updaate later in the week.

Friday 18 June 2010

I may be broke tonight

Have a lot to talk about but haven't got time currently. I was back in Germany for the first time within almost a year and ate a ridiculous amount of Bratwurst.

Nasty Events:

2.5k GBP stolen from my home
1.25k GBP lost in a NL100 session
1.5k GBP left.
Going to play NL1k in Marbella tonight. Make or Break.

I am probably broke tomorrow.

Should I go broke I probably quit Poker and the blog for a while. Maybe forever. Wish me some run good.

Happy Events:

Germany takes down the world cup.

Wednesday 2 June 2010


10.000 GBP Gibraltar Masters took place last weekend. With 75 starters the prize pool reached almost 17k GBP with 6k going to the winner. Was the highest buy-in tourney I ever played. The field was redic soft as there was a group coming from a poker club in Sevilla to play this tourney. After the 1st hand at 25/50 UTG made it 600 to go, I knew where this was heading. My whole table did not have a single capable player sitting at it. I guess the only one at my table I could say had a clue about the game at all was a super-tight female who had the look and the voice of a man.

She was running pretty bad against all the calling stations. She had a flopped straight outdrawn twice. Once to a 4 outering two pair that boated up and the other to a back door flush draw. In those moments I thought "god if I was her I would need to puke into the dealers face". I gave her looks of sympathy every time she got outdrawn.

I myself had troubles to find good spots to get something going. I am fine with playing between 10 - 25 BBs but with 25-60 BBs I was a little toothless. Deeper than 60 and I think I am fine again. Played pretty tight and just tried staying afloat with a few open-raise/c-bets. Had a weird hand with a idiot to my left in a BvB battle. I opened the SB with A3o which in hindsight is a bit gay as this guys calling range is probably 90% of all hands. On a T38 board I checked and he checked behind. 8 on the turn goes check,check. 8 on the river now makes me feel I could indeed value bet here which I did and get instantly min-raised. WTF? I didn't see him having a T or 8 and thought he may have a 3 too or some 44-66 and some random gay bluffs. I played my hand completely retarded and called off the min-raise just to be shown KT.

Our table broke and the new table was way better for finding spots for some aggressive play. I got down to 15 - 20 BB and started overshoving in good spots and kept myself afloat nicely. Then found AQs and a 12 BB stack shoved from the CO and I overshoved from BU. My AQ was unfortunately no match against A2 when I was drawing to one out for a split on the turn. Had a little comeback but then missed 18outs to get back on a 12 BB stack.

On Friday I donked off 400 GBP wasted and in frustration about a argument I had with the girlfriend. Lost some more on Roulette and the video poker. Sadly that didn't really make me feel better.

Monday I got back on the cash tables and finished 505 GBP up after 3 hours of play which made me feel better. That's it from the boring poker stuff.

The play last week went really well and I absolutely enjoyed being on stage again. At times the audience was dying of laughter and I had to wait up to 30 seconds for the laughter to calm down before delivering my next lines. I only ever did serious drama before and you don't really get any interaction with the audience going. So this was my first comedy and the interaction with the audience was sooo much fun.

We got a lot of praise and the nicest compliment anyone could get was something in the lines: "If I didn't know that you were amateurs I wouldn't realise that you are. I think there was no difference to a professionally produced show. You all were incredibly good."

There are loads of pictures but I need to get them in digital format before I can get them up here. But here is a little picture that someone from the audience took and put on facebook:

Other than that I played a lot of guitar hero and am drumming half of the songs on hard by now but am starting to struggle with some of the songs on hard. Still the game is incredibly funny.

I am off to Germany on Friday for a week and to make it interesting I am going to bring back my car to Germany. So I'll be driving and will be stopping to see a good friend in Austria who just recently moved there from the UK. Another 3k kilometer trip but at least I am going with the girlfriend so I won't be alone this time.

Next week I am going to Berlin to see "John Garcia plays Kyuss" which is going to be an epic concert as Kyuss have split up in 1995 and this project by the former lead singer is probably the closest I will ever get to see Kyuss live. Kyuss is beside the Queens of the Stone Age my favourite band and I am really looking forward to this concert. I hope that my good friend from England can make it too as that would guarantee the doubling of enjoyment. Have a listen: Kyuss - Hurricane

Gibraltar is warming up like a Sauna currently and we are starting having to use the aircon when we are going to bed. From now it's only gonna get hotter and hotter till August but that's exactly what I want with the pool area and the beaches just around the corner.

Good luck to everyone playing in the WSOP and I hope you bring home some great results. I have to look into buying some Main Event shares.

Over and out

Monday 24 May 2010


Despite Munich losing the Champions League final to a very clever playing Inter Milan it was a very good weekend. I crushed the game on Friday and on Saturday for almost 1k GBP in total profit. This takes my total offline poker cash game profits to 7.317,50 GBP which with today's courses is exactly $10.590,50 and I have therefore surpassed the magical $10k mark within pretty much exactly 11 months.

I guess the next mark is 100k. Well, should be doable in round about 9 years. ;-)

After testing the Guitar Hero game with the drum kit that comes with it on a party a while ago, I finally decided to buy one myself. I am quite impressed by the accuracy of this 100 Euro set. I think it's really good value. I think I spent 10hours on it yesterday and am absolutely loving it. As a former hobby "musician" and drummer, beating the easy level was pretty well... easy. I played the first few songs on medium and it's still pretty manageable. Let's see how quickly I can make it to expert. I watched some youtube stuff from a good drummer that actually really rocks the shit out this game:

Scream Aim Fire

The play is going on stage tomorrow for the next three days and my nervousness is rising but I am quite looking forward to it.

Then on Saturday there is the 10.000 GBP guaranteed Gibraltar Masters which I am hoping to take down. Shouldn't be too hard if I can run as good in the tourney as I am running in the cash games lately. :-)


Wednesday 19 May 2010

Well done me (serious brag)

So today is going to be a proper poker post. I've been doing very well the last few weeks and since the end of a downswing in January I went on a sweet 5000 pound upswing. This of course means the my staker has locked up his profits and will get the reward for his trust transferred on his bank account in a few days.

Again Mr Keys thank you very, very much for the trust. I know it's not a usual thing to give money away to someone that is 1800 miles away and you have to trust the stories about the results that he tells as you can't find proof for winning or losing online.

I am currently playing exceptionally well and am full of confidence as I am the biggest poker winner in Gala Casino Gibraltar. I know it's some ridiculous bragging but I love it how the regs collaboratively sigh when they see me entering the poker room cause they know that they will have to play a lot more 3- and 4- bet pots as soon as I sit down and the quiet, limp game is over. Most of those guys feel really uncomfortable playing deep stacks while for me the potential of playing pots between 400 - 800 bb is where my edge gets huge.

I have developed a very good ability for 3- and 4- betting in good spots and would say that the spot-picking is one of my major advantages as the regs just can't get away from their standard game. Man that's really a lot of bragging now...

Time for a graph:

Btw, total profit since June 2009 is exactly: 6147.50 GBP

Had really good evening yesterday going out with friends and ending up in a sick home game with a fixed limit SkyHigh-stakes player that plays 500/1000 and 300/600 regularly another NL10k-40k player that just came second at WPT Bucharest and another NL2k reg and 3 other standard players like me. At 9:00 am we had 4000 pound on the table. The game was probably the most aggressive game I ever player as literally every hand was 3-bet and every third hand was 4-bet and there was a PFAI's about once every 10 hands.

I owned one of the high-stakers with K-high:

Schnibl0r: opens UTG to 9 pound
Truthans: 3-bets KT to 25 pounds
Schnibl0r: calls

Flop: 9,6,6 two clubs

Schnibl0r: checks
Truthans: bets ca. 38 ish
Schnibl0r: calls

Turn: 3 of diamonds

Schnibl0r: checks
Truthans: bets ca. 70
Schnibl0r: raises to 160
Truthans: calls

River: J of spades

Schnibl0r: bets ca 200
Truthans: calls

Schnibl0r: "Your six is good."
Truthans: "I haven't got a six."
Schnibl0r: Shows 85o
Truthans: Shows KT
Truthans: Wins the pot with K-high.

Schnibl0r: "Wow, did you just completely fucking own me? Man, I don't think I ever got owned as hard in a live game before."

Truthans: "I thought you got owned pretty hard in PartyPoker's big game a few weeks ago?"

Schnibl0r: "Yeah, but not as hard as this."

We were in the Casino earlier that night and it was the first time we got a PLO game going and played six-handed PLO100. Was good fun although I lost a little.

Two friends and me are probably putting some cash together and make a short trip to Marbella next week or so. It is the place for the rich people at the Costa Del Sol and they have a very juicy NL1000 Euro game going there on Fridays. So we are going to give this a shot by sharing and investing 1k euros each.

I've been doing ok online as well on PKR and started shots at NL200 which went pretty well. I hope to establish myself this year on NL200 there. Would be pretty cool as I went through NL10, NL25, NL50, NL100 just as you are supposed to. I have to admit that I always used a aggressive bank-roll-management but hey I am not 24-tabling 6-max games but I 2-table full-ring games. Btw, I finally realized that I get beaten up in six max games. I don't know why but I think I have troubles to adjust from the weak-passive people in the full ring games to the more aggressive and better players in the 6-max games. I am having trouble to bring my strengths from the live felt to the online felt anyway.

Next week our play goes on stage and I am starting to get the butterflies as we are currently rehearsing on a daily basis.

Stay cool.


Friday 7 May 2010

Introduction to Poker Ecology

"Poker Ecology" - what does it mean?

The term "poker ecology" refers to the balanced (or unbalanced) system of:

a.) strong or weak depositing and withdrawing
b.) losing and winning players.

In this thread we will discuss a stand-alone poker room in its simplest form.

It is worth noting; that what is explained for an affiliate based stand-alone room, also applies to the skins on a poker network - so the same principles apply.

1. The Flow of Money

A poker room can be seen as an economic circuit. Deposits bring new money to the system. Money leaves the system through cashouts and rake (to be more specific: effective rake after all boni / rakeback etc.).

This is a kind of flux equilibrium, where in the long run:

Deposits = Cashouts + Rake

2. Basic Rules

I. Every Dollar that a poker room earns in rake or a player cashes out was is deposited by the players playing poker.

II. If (Deposits < Cashouts + Rake), the poker room will shrink and tables will become tougher.

III. If (Deposits > Cashouts + Rake), the poker room grows and the tables will become softer. Good players will win more (ceteris paribus).

Thus it stands to reason that rule III should be our clear goal.

3. The Strategy

To try and make sure that (Deposits > Cashouts + Rake), we have the following options:

Option 1: Lower Winnings / Cashouts
- clearly no. clearly no. The attraction of a poker room absolutely relies on how much you can win there as a good player.

A poker room can only be successful if it is able to offer that to players. This means both deposits and rake must be shaped in such a way that consistently high winnings / cashouts are possible.

Option 2: Increase Deposits - clearly yes. This is the big leverage. This is the big leverage. To increase deposits means to bring in more recreational players (often called 'fish') to the poker room.

However, there is a problem; recreational players generate a lot of net deposits, but not a lot of rake. This is the exact reason why it is wrong that a lot of poker rooms measure their success and the success of their affiliates, just by measuring rake.

As a poker room, you must know that money deposited by a recreational player can leave the system in just two ways;

• Winnings / Cashouts => good - as it motivates my high-rake / high-volume winning players and thus increase their rake.
• Rake => good - as I earn money with it.

Option 3: Decrease Rake - yes this is a relevant option; however it is a little more complex in that a poker room needs rake to cover its costs and turn out a profit. A poker room therefore, needs to decide how to invest the rake:
• increase rakeback / create VIP programmes / races etc.
• increase deposits

Which is better?

We think both are important, but the clear focus should be on generating deposits. Why?

Simple, if a poker room creates more than $100 in deposits, by investing $100 in marketing / retention of recreational players; then an added value is created for the poker system. This money will either benefit a winning player (which is just as good as or better than a little extra rakeback) or be turned into rake.

This rake can in turn be invested to generate more deposits. Thus an upward spiral is created; the poker room grows and tables become softer.

4. Summary

• For a poker room to be attractive to players (especially high-rake players), they need to be able to win a lot of money there.

• To enable this situation it is necessary to attract more and more deposits / recreational players to the eco system of the poker rooms. This money will then ultimately land in either a winning player's pocket or appear as rake, i.e. the pockets of the room itself.

• The rake must be used to increase net deposits / generate recreational players.

5. Competition between Poker Rooms

Competition between poker rooms does not just mean: "Who gives the highest rakeback %?"

Competition between poker rooms, especially for high-volume winning players; means creating a better environment (good software) for players to enjoy their game of poker and also earn money (winnings plus rakeback).

There are networks and rooms where you can get 60% rakeback, however you still cannot earn more money there, as there are too few tables and these are just too tough.

On the other hand PokerStars, the world's biggest poker room; do follow the ecological principles we have described above and thus are a very good choice for many winning players.

Competition between poker rooms happens on three levels:

Level 1: Basics - Software, Customer Service
Level 2: VIP System / Loyalty Schemes
Level 3: Growth and softness of Tables

In doubt, level 3 will always be the most relevant factor in the long run.

6. How do affiliates now fit into the picture?

Affiliates are service providers to the poker operators. They generate new players and offer them services to increase their lifetime value and retention rate.

How must an affiliate be to have a positive effect on poker ecology?

The same principles as mentioned above apply:

The money an affiliate earns should be used to increase deposits. If he generates more deposits (real net deposits - no reload nonsense), then that in turn increases his earnings in the long run. Therefore, the affiliate has a positive effect on the poker ecology.

But what about classical rakeback affiliates?

Do they invest a single cent of their income to attract new recreational players to a poker room or online poker in general?

We guess you know the answer: hardly any rakeback affiliates invest a single cent to introduce genuine new players and net deposits to the eco system of online poker!

This means: a rakeback affiliate changes the shape of the equation Deposits = Cashouts/Winnings + Rake:

• more winnings
• profit of the rakeback affiliate
• no new deposits

But it even gets worse:

rakeback affiliates make sure that a winning player will hardly ever sign up directly with a poker room, or through an affiliate that is directed towards recreational players.

This means that the player mix of beneficial affiliates will have a lot of net depositors, but nearly no high-rake players. As the success of the affiliate is measured in rake, this means that beneficial affiliates will get less and less money - and suddenly, there is no incentive for the poker rooms to undertake marketing campaigns that are directed towards recreational players.

7. What can I do as a player?

• Most importantly; know about and discuss this issue! If this topic is discussed by winning players then this will ultimately have a positive effect on the poker rooms, networks, skins and affiliates.

• Ideally, you could even actively give feedback to poker rooms stating that you would prefer a better regulation of their poker ecology.

While the system is still skewed, you can of course continue to look for the best deal for yourself - you should not sacrifice your own profits.

The most important thing:
Stop seeing illegal rakeback affiliates as 'player advocates'!

Giving more money to the players (in the short run) makes it easy for rakeback affiliates to act as if they were the players' best friends, while basically just abusing a flaw in the market to earn profits.

Acting against illegal rakeback affiliates is not just the right thing to do; it is also in your best interest.

If an illegal under-the-table deal offers other players additional rakeback at PokerStars, you are then at a competitive disadvantage against them. This is neither fair nor good for you.

8. "What about rakeback and bonuses in general?"

First of all, no one wants to reduce the average rakeback / bonuses a player gets. On the contrary, a fair and healthy eco-system would allow for more rakeback to be given out to players. This is because you do not have a 'middle man' in the form of a rakeback affiliate that takes his cut.

The important thing is that every affiliate should offer the same monetary incentives / rakeback to players on any given poker room. This has three major advantages:

1. Sustainability - It improves the poker room ecology.

2. Growth - It gives small affiliates additional marketing tools to attract more recreational players and prevents poaching that reduces the margins of those who bring in recreational players.

3. Fairness - Last but not least: It is just fair if every player on a poker room gets the same monetary incentives.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

What I forgot to mention

Congratulations to Tobias "PokerNoob" Reinkemeier for taking down the EPT Monte Carlo High Roller event and the € 956.000 first prize. At we have been expecting this for a while as he kept performing well in a lot of EPT events and we are actually pretty sure he can be named in the same sentence as a Jason Mercier, ElkY or Timex.

All the anticipation and then he waited till the very last event of the EPT season. Well, I have a feeling that Tobias could have a $3 Million year. We'll see what happens in Vegas.


Monday 3 May 2010

Saturday 1 May 2010

One more time

Once again Team pro Tobias "Pokernoob" Reinkemeier has made the final table of a EPT High Roller event. He is currently 3rd in chips with 8 people left in the tourney at EPT Monte Carlo.

I hope he is going to shp it this time.

You can find the live stream here:

Monday 26 April 2010

147_star is a sick man

Massive, massive congrats mate!

Friday 23 April 2010

Showing off

My Wedding is getting closer and is only 4 months down the line. With the proximity of this event now I started getting nervous about a lot of things. In the end it's a big decision which in the ideal case will be made affecting the rest of your life.

I guess it's very normal that you ask yourself questions about the future. What's more important is that you come to the right conclusions. I am feeling very happy about my wedding and am looking forward to the event. Organisation has gone relatively smooth so far.

I still hope that some of the family members that I had to invite won't confirm attendance so I could invite a few more friends. Fuck family, seriously. ;-)

I have set a deadline for end of May for confirming attendance, so whoever hasn't done so by then will have to stay at home.

Following are a few pictures from the Apartment we moved into in January. All except the rock view pic are taken from my balcony, so yeah, nice view!

Today I am going to present some pictures which I promised for ages and some other real life info.

Very just notice about my recent poker exploits: I am running very good at the moment and am making constant profits. What worries me little is that I made some seriously bad decisions in the last few sessions and still came of good. I think my decision making is a bit flawed currently due to some serious run good. I would be way out of make up if every time my goes in way behind I could prove my suck out skills.

Most horrible thing I did recently when drunk was 5-bet shoving 73s from the SB about 450bb deep. Got snapped by AKo and couldn't improve. Since that happened I am playing better again. Hope I can keep this up.

Yesterday I flopped top two pair twice, check-raised it All-in twice, run into a flopped straight twice and hit my Fullhouse re-draw twice.

150 GBP and I am out of make up and can ship back the staking money + profit. I hope the run good continues for another 17 years.

A little change happened in the Job. I changed from being the Executive Assistant for the Head of Finance to be the Executive Assistant of the big boss CEO and topics I am working on currently are massively interesting and more Poker related.

Network ecology is a new favorite topic of mine and I think I want to publish some stuff here in the near future.

Plans for this weekend include to see a good band tonight and get shitfaced, tomorrow going to the pool, swimming, reading, drinking champagne.

Life is good. I mean seriously, life is awesome.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

The new rising star of Gibraltar

Again I did let some time pass before updating about some real life topics but in this post I am going to bring you up-to-date about my new old hobby. Back in the days when I lived in Germany I used to be part in a drama group since I was 13 years old. In my last school year it was my big aim to become a professional actor and I wanted to study performing arts in Germany.

But then I wet my pants because being an ugly actor is kinda tough business today. You can be pretty and be a bad actor and have a chance, but it is getting considerably more difficult if you are ugly and just an average actor. Up to this point I was not even sure if I actually may be ugly and bad.

Today I know I would have been a made man as I turned out to be good looking (incredible Keanu Reaves look-alike) and an awesome actor too. Probably as talented as Tom Hanks + Meryl Streep together.

Anyway, I decided against my glorious career and became fond of business management theories in my studies which now earned me a job behind a laptop for 98.8% of my working time. While studying I became a metalcore shouter and poker player.

Now my long-haired metalcore times are over and I had to find a new hobby for myself. Suddenly Gibraltar Radio was announcing rehearsals in the radio for a comedy play that was going to be put on stage. I took the chance and secured a big role in a play called "Holiday Snap" by Micheal Pertwee.

It is a light-hearted comedy that includes some affairs, naughtiness, alcohol and slapstick. We are rehearsing for quite a few weeks now and are making good progress. The play will be on stage at the end of May for three nights.

Acting is a lot of fun and I enjoy it but I don't regret having gone down the business way because otherwise I would not have met my soon-to-be wife.

If you want to come down and see this great piece of literature put on stage then you just need to get in touch with one of the big travel agencies that sell event packages for this. Something like two nights Hotel, VIP seats at the debut show, back stage passes and some one on one time with one of the main actors.

Should be visible just below some other irrelevant Broadway theatre packages on all known websites.

In all seriousness: If you want to come down and see it I can probably sort you out with a good deal for your overnight stay. ;-)

Even my name is spelled completely wrong. Just as it happened with every great star on the rise.

Saturday 27 March 2010


It's arlready fuking late and Iam xompletyely wastee and I have to write on a german keybvoard.

I played a 90/85 style tonight and just could not lose what ever I dsid. I boutht in for 25 and later another 50 (comllplety cufkin wasted). I finished now with 1.1k GBP up although I porbably still oww 200 GBP for Champaign.

Sich night.

Played the worst poker anyone could ever play.

At 3:00 am I was sittting wiht 2500 BB while the next big stack had 400 BB.


I never ever thouht th9is would happe to me but I out-shoved this game.

2010 suddenly turned into profit now and I am right on track with my goal. Congrats to James Keys who had the trust and wiilll gett ghis rewards deservfedly!

God, God, God, How well did I ru n, 5 Hours of live poker meams about 100 to 130 hands and I won a rediculouuous a mount if noney.


Friday 26 March 2010

Two big pots.

I have changed the name of this blog as I found the old name really gay for a while already and I most likely change the appearance a little bit as well. Not sure if I have enough clue how to make things look pretty. I'll give it a shot.

2010 is tough so far:

Pot 1:

EP2: Raise 6
MP1: Call
MP2: Call
MP3: Call
Button: Call
SB: Call
Hero (BB) has 99 and makes it 46

Folds to MP3 who shoves 202 in total
Button calls 70
Hero thinks "MP 3 is a aggressive good player, he knows I am capable of squeezing light, he doesn't overcall TT+, I am 100% sure I am at least flipping, If I am flipping, there is a fair chance that MP3 and Button are blocking each others outs"

156 to call into 342

Hero: calls

Board: 87T 2 Q
MP3 shows: AQo
Buttons shows: Q2s
Hero tilts... "For fucks sake how can I never win one of the big flips. Every time I win a flip lately it's for 30 fucking quid and when I lose it's for a freaking stack or more. Why am I actually flipping so often for stacks lately?"

Hero: Quickly orders a lager and a Baieys to de-tilt.
Hero: Steam-o-meter returns from 130% to 40%

Pot 2:

Pot 2:

MP 3: raises to 10
Hero (CO): calls with JTo
Button: calls
SB: calls
BB: calls

Board: 983 two diamonds

SB: checks
BB: checks
MP3: bets 10
Hero thinks: "OESD + overs might not be good here, they complete too many other draws. MP3s bet is soooo weak. I want initiative in this pot and hopefully get it HU or be able to take a free card on the turn."

Hero: Raises to 25
Button: folds
SB: calls
BB: calls
MP3: calls

Pot size: 150
Hero thinks: "Oh well...7 of spades, 7 of spades, 7 of spades - one time!"

Turn: 7 of hearts

Hero thinks: "Uh yeah, the bingo card! Ship, ship, ship, Belly dance...I've been looking for freedom...Bratwurst and Sauerkraut FTW!, I am Rick James bitch and I got the fucking nuts!"

SB: checks
BB: checks
MP3: checks
Hero: bets 75

SB: folds
BB: calls
MP3: folds

Hero thinks: "no diamond, no diamond - please. One time"

River: 8c

Hero: Rolls eyes

BB: Bets All in

Hero: has 130 behind and gets sick in the stomach.
Hero thinks: "I know he is the worst player at the table. What can he have here that I've got beat? A8, K8, Missed flush, 56. FML"

130 to call into 430

Hero: calls
BB: shows 77

Hero: stands up, pukes in the dealers face and mumbles "that's so sick, that's so fucking sick. How does he...oh...fucking hell is that sick!"

Well the two stories of the big pots yesterday. I am little annoyed because winning the second one would have put me into the profit zone for 2010 and that would have been amazing after a horrible 2010 poker year so far. Now I am stuck ca. 620 quid again. Considering I was down 1500 GBP about 3 weeks ago I can probably live with that.

Anyway, my mindset is right again and I will get into profit for 2010 eventually.

It is going to be difficult to get out of make up by May as I planned. I am already way behind for all my other goals for this year.

To tell another bad beat story, I got on my scale about a week ago and it showed 100kg for the first time again since last April. So since June 2009 when I had my lowest point in weight I have regained 10kg. Now my boxers are starting to get too tight again.

Means I am on a diet. Again.

Right there is a life update due on this blog which I hope to get in this weekend. Thanks to Paul "147_Star - HSV ein Leben lang" and his encouraging e-mail I got reminded that some people actually read what I write here. So I will return to updating more regularly. The lack of updates just came from the harsh downswing I endured but I have learned to cope with it.

Next topics I need to update you about:
- Wedding
- New Apartment
- Gibraltar Amateur Drama Association
- Small change of job

Thursday 14 January 2010

Final Table

Team Pro Tobias Reinkemeier made the final table of the PCA High Roller Event and will go into the final day as the chip leader of the last 8 players. This final table didn't come as a surprise as Tobias had gone deep in 5 out of 6 EPT events that he played coming very close to a final table at EPT London and busting a little unfortunate in 46th place at the PCA Main Event in a set over set situation a few days ago.

He is a incredibly aggressive young player that normally is by far the most active at any table he is sitting down, which was also true so far for his appearance in the high roller event.

I have a feeling that 2010 might becoming his big year but for now I wish him good luck in taking down the event and the 576k first price.

The high roller event will be shown in a live stream which you can find here:

live stream

Play will resume at 18:00 my time, which is 17:00 UK time.

Take it down mate!

Tobias is a active video producer of If you are interested then click the banner near the top and get yourself signed up. You get $50 for free on any partner room you haven't signed up for yet and get access to some pretty good poker videos, articles, live coaching, forums, bonuses, rake races, etc. at no extra cost.

Sorry for sounding like a car salesman.


About Me