In the cash games I am currently having mixed results. Trying to tighten up my game a bit and avoid spew, which is going ok, but I can't get a lot going recently. I am about break even for cash games since my return which is a little disappointing but I think that's just a phase that I am currently going through as I don't seem to do a lot of mistakes currently. I started counting/guessing how long I haven't flopped a set anymore and the counter must be between 26 - 30 pairs now. So I am guessing that I should be flopping sets all over the shop anytime now. Please.
Next week there is the Gibraltar Poker Masters again. This time it's a 300 GBP - 10.000 GBP guaranteed event with two starting days. 20k starting chips, 30 minute clock and expected to be ridic soft like almost all tourney in this area here. I am obviously not rolled for 300 GBP tourney again yet so I am willing to sell 50% of my action at face value. You can get 10% of the winnings for already 30 GBP. First price is expected to be around the 6k - 8k mark with the numbers they are expecting. Let me know if you are interested.
Next topic from the headline is the cool dolphin tour that I finally managed to do with my wife and wanted to show you a few pictures. So if ever anyone of you guys comes and visits me, we definitely have to go for that tour.
Next thing from the last weeks was that I was out for a few beers with friends and colleagues and we ended up on the casino balcony and to our surprise Kaiane Aldorino - Miss World 2009 was also there. So I got a picture:
Furthermore there was Gibraltar National Day last week which is pretty much the biggest day of the year for a Gibraltarian. Everyone is on their feet drinking and dancing from the early morn to late a night. I had my first Sambucca at about 11:30 and was pretty damn shitfaced shortly after. Was a very good day out I have to admit.
Good old friend from Durham is coming over next week for an interview at I hope he can bink the job. Anyway, I am looking forward to a few beers and some poker with an old pal.
when is Gib masters mate?
I'd definitely be interested in buying a piece....
Day 1A is on Friday and Day 1B on Saturday. Not sure which one I have to play though. I registered yesterday.
This is a good site! come on and join with us!
Gambar gerak mesum tebaru
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